The long-awaited animated film Super Mario Bros continues to make history by achieving huge box office success worldwide and setting a new record by becoming the second animated film to achieve this milestone.
The famous video game character has captivated viewers around the world with his animated film produced by Nintendo and with the edition of the Illumination company edition, in addition to achieving an important achievement that only 20 films can achieve.
Two months after ‘Super Mario Bros: The Movie‘ was released, it officially entered the top 20 highest-grossing movies in film history. The film ranked at number 18 with an amount of one billion three hundred million dollars raised so far.
With this, the Mario Bros video game movie is the second of the three animated movies on the list, only followed by the hit ‘Frozen 2‘ at number 13, which earned more than one billion four hundred million dollars in revenue. In addition, the first installment of this Disney production ranks number 20 in this top.
For its part, despite the 5 position difference, the recent Nintendo production has the chance to break through to another record within the top due to the short time since it was released in theaters and the great recognition it has gained.
On the other hand, the film’s producer has been enthusiastic about starting to create a new story of these two brothers that can be brought to the big screen, and this new record has been able to encourage the producers to continue working on the second installment of ‘Super Mario Bros’.