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United States media denounce fraud in Miss Universe results


Apparently, the complaints made on social networks by the followers of the Miss Universe Pageant were heard, and it is that several United States media are reporting that in the contest, the results could be full of fraud.

This is how Daily Mail reported irregularities during the final night of the Pageant, and is that the contestant from the United States, R’Bonney Nola Gabriel, had already been accused in the past of committing fraud in the national election when she represented the state of Texas.

The scandal at the time was so huge that the company’s president resigned. Now with the new owner, Thai tycoon Anne Jakrajutatip, the accusations are coming back. Many allege that they do not recognize R’Boney as Miss Universe, as Miss Venezuela and Miss Dominican Republic performed better.


TMZ reported that from the beginning of the final night, Miss Venezuela was the clear winner of the pageant. This is how several journalists took to their social networks to express their complaints regarding the result, such as journalist and Emmy winner Maria Celeste Arrarás.

She declared that she had been a juror before in the Pageant and that she was given a training with the necessary requirements to choose the new Miss Universe, according to her declarations, Miss Venezuela and Miss Dominican Republic were the only ones who were able to fulfill these requirements.

Now the Miss Universe organization has closed the comments on their social networks, and have not given any statement about it, but it is expected that soon they will break the silence and clarify once and for all the controversy generated by the 71st edition of the most important beauty pageant in the world.

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