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King Charles III makes Queen guitarist, Brian May, a knight


Every time you hear something about the kings and the royal family, you think it is something negative that can affect the monarchy, but putting aside all their family dramas, they follow the old custom of knighting people of high value to the country, this is the case of what happened recently with King Carlos III.

Among the people of high value are musicians, sportsmen, artists, etc. This year it was time to recognize a music legend, specifically a rock legend.

King Charles III

Brian May, best known for being the guitarist of the legendary rock band Queen, was awarded a “knighthood” for his contribution to music, according to the list of honors awarded by King Charles III at the end of the year.

After receiving the title, which is a great honor, the musician admitted that he feels a new responsibility that he will proudly “behave in a way that benefits the United Kingdom and the rest of the population”.

“I am happy and grateful to receive this honor. I will consider knighthood not so much as a reward, but more as a charge, a commission, to continue to fight for justice, to be a voice for those who have no voice. I will strive to be worthy, to be that Knight in Shining Armor,” he said about the honor that King Charles III gave him.

We hope that the news regarding the royal family will be positive and that all the drama and controversy they have been involved in before will be in the past and the royal family name will not be tarnished and King Charles III does his job.

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