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The true cause of the death of Queen Elizabeth II unleashes controversy on networks


On social networks, an incessant conversation has begun after a biographer of the British royal family revealed the true causes of the death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, who died on August 1st of this year.

The controversy that has been experienced within the British monarchy in recent years has earned them the attention of the media and public opinion. From the accusations of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle for alleged abuse and to the way in which some members of royalty treat their environment.

But now, what has attracted attention is that the British royal biographer spoke and revealed the supposed “true causes” of Queen Elizabeth II’s death, assuring that the real reason was not age and that until now it had been kept secret.

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According to the author, a friend of the Duke of Edinburgh, the queen was going through a painful and silent illness.

I had heard that the queen had a form of myeloma, bone marrow cancer, which would explain her tiredness and her weight loss and those mobility issues that often worried us“, he wrote in her book.

Myeloma is a disease that is characterized by having a common symptom in its patients and the most difficult to bear: bone pain, mainly in the pelvis and lower back.


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