Chris Hemsworth is one of the personalities who has excelled in the film world, his great talent led him to play one of the most representative characters of the ‘Marvel Universe’, the God of ‘Thor’.
However, this time, the actor Chris by way of a totally different project, he participated in a
project in a National Geographic documentary called Limitless‘, which focuses on exploring the human body’s potential of the human body and how it is affected over time.
In it, Chris underwent several genetic tests, which did not yield favorable results, as the actor is severely prone to develop an unfortunate disease in the future.
Through his DNA, the celebrity underwent some tests to find out what could happen to his body, an aspect that was later revealed to him, since the doctors found two copies of APOE4 gel, from his parents, which is diagnostic that he has eight to ten chances of having Alzheimer’s in the future, a situation that surprised him very much.
Therefore, Hemsworth broke the silence and shared his hared with all his followers his feelings about this unfortunate news, so the celebrity described how he learned described how he found out through an. interview in ‘Vanity Fair’.