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The humiliations Camilla Parker Bowles suffered by Queen Elizabeth II


Queen Elizabeth II was one of the personalities with more character that there was within the royal house. Experts in her biography say that it was not necessary to raise her voice for everyone to realize that she was very angry. All the members of the royal family experienced complicated episodes on the part of the sovereign and apparently, no one was spared.

Camilla Parker Bowles, is one of the most recent members to join the inner circle of the former queen. After the death of Elizabeth II, her son Charles was crowned as King Charles III and of course Parker became the new queen consort. But the corridors of the castle are talking, and not very good things are coming out of the relationship between the pair.


From what little is known, Queen Elizabeth II made things quite difficult for the current queen consort; apparently she never liked the relationship between Camilla and her son, Charles. When they were dating, they were both married with children, which generated a great discomfort in the late Elizabeth that she could never let go.

But what were the mistreatments to which the wife of King Charles III was subjected by Queen Elizabeth II. The greatest mistreatment received by Camilla Parker was the rule imposed by the queen in which she could not be in the same room as Queen Elizabeth II, regardless of whether Charles was present or not.

On numerous occasions Camilla Parker Bowles was ignored by Queen Elizabeth II and left out of official events, despite being the official partner of the now King Charles III; even close to the royal household claim that her own son implored the Queen to consider her partner, but it never happened. It was only in 2005 that Charles received his mother’s blessing and was able to marry Camilla Parker.

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