Find out why did RM call Suga ‘Wooper’ on his birthday


Suga from BTS is birthday and ARMY from all over the world celebrates it. Kim Namjoon, leader of the South Korean musical septet, was the first to greet his boyband partner and rocked social media by calling him ‘Wooper‘, a popular water-style Pokémon.

On March 8th, Namjoon posted a warm birthday greeting for Suga on BTS’ group Twitter account.

Happy birthday, Wooper #Yoongi’s Birthday Congratulations“, commented the Bangtan leader and attached photos of Min Yoongi, Suga’s real name.

This would not be the first time that a BTS member has addressed Suga as ‘Wooper’ from ‘Pokémon’. In 2017, the BTS account on Twitter shared an image with drawings made by the K-pop idols themselves to celebrate Suga’s 24th birthday and Jin did not hesitate to portray him as the water-style Pokémon.

Wooper from Pokemon who looks like Min Yoongi” Seokjin wrote at the time.

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Previously, BTS’ Park Jimin also called Suga ‘Wooper’ when Pokémon Go was more popular. In a screenshot, Jimin showed his game app which reads the name he gave the “Pokémon”: “Min Suga“. For his part, Namjoon also named ‘Quagsire‘, evolution of ‘Wooper’ in ‘Pokémon’, as his bandmate: “Kind Suga”.

In a fun way and in celebration of Suga’s birthday, ARMY shared comparative images between the K-pop artist and “Wooper” from Pokémon, so they concluded that his fellow BTS members call him that because of his peculiar resemblance.

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