“Ice Age” is an animated movie released at the start of the 2000’s, promoted by the Disney franchise, it tells the story of Manny, the mammoth, Sid, the sloth, and Diego, the tiger.
The three form an unlikely friendship in the ancient ages, where ice covered the bigger part of the world and humanity was still developing. We can see the three prehistoric animals get into chaotic situations, involving even an underdeveloped human. We can also see other extinct animals, such as dinosaurs and dodos.
The franchise scored many hits, being part of the best movies from Disney when it comes to income. The comedic storyline is loved by many, which is why Disney managed to revisit the story 4 times after the first movie. Released in 2002, the first “Ice Age” generated 300 million dollars as income for Disney, a big number back then.
This one put 400 million dollars into Disney’s pocket, not as big as the first one and not as good as other Disney movies from the same year such as “Moana”. However, speaking of the present, Disney has decided to re-visit the franchise once again with the new movie “The Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild”, released on Disney+ on January 28th of the present year.
One particularity of the franchise was a little creature that was seen throughout the entire franchise demonstrating love and investment into a nut. Yes, we are talking about the squirrel, Scrat. Well, he was absent in this new movie that just got released and people immediately noticed it.
Scrat is one is one of the main characters of the franchise, in fact, in the last movie, the whole plot turned around his actions. He was designed by Ivy Supersonic, who decided to sue Disney over the rights to own the drawing/animation.
Trial after trial, the judge finally ruled in favor of Ivy, which is the reason why Disney couldn’t include the beloved and troubled rodent in the new movie.
It is not certain if Disney will guest Scrat in their upcoming Ice Age movies (if there are any), but if they decide to do so, they will have to pay Ivy Supersonic for its use.
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