Some music critics have said that they wish for BTS to return to their musical origins. BTS is charting up hits with their recent single “Permission to Dance” and their previous track “Butter.” Although these are songs that ARMY and various people liked very much, some music critics have expressed their desire for the k-pop band to return to their origins.
After the band released their third song in English and placed “Butter” topping the Billboard Hot 100 chart for the seventh week in a row, specialist Jung Min Jae indicated that although the Korean band is succeeding, it is “exhausting” to continue the same formula in their songs in another language.
이번까지는 이벤트성 발매라고 생각하고 싶다. 코로나19라는 특수한 상황으로 이제까지의 작업물과는 좀 다른, 지금 시기에 걸맞은 테마의 곡들을 발표한 것일 테다. 다음 작품에선 전작들에서 보여줬던 이들만의 에지와 대담함을 다시 보고 싶다. 이만하면 빌보드 상륙 작전도 충분히 성공적이니.
— 정민재 (@minjae_jung) July 9, 2021
“Brilliant melodies and lyrics that include names familiar to English and American-speaking audiences. Similar to the previous songs. Although it is exhausting to listen to three songs that follow the ‘hit song formula’ in one year, this song itself it’s the best of the three.
It’s more pleasant to the ears and the melody is quite charming.”
In his Twitter account, the music critic indicated that he hopes that BTS has raised these issues due to the pandemic, implying the difficult situation that is being experienced worldwide. But he pointed out that he wants the group to return to their origins with themes similar to those it had previously presented and that had also topped the charts.
“In upcoming releases, I’d like to see again that edge and boldness that they’ve shown in their previous jobs. They’ve had a successful enough landing on the Billboard charts.” Since the release of “Butter” some fans, especially from South Korea, began to debate whether BTS should return to perform songs in their native language.
Because since it was nominated for a Grammy with “Dynamite”, the group has tried hard to take that recognition. However, many of the band’s social media users and fans said that songs like “Permission to Dance” brought them closer to all of the group’s music, from ‘No More Dream‘ to ‘Black Swan‘ and many more.