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Grammys 2021: Who Will Win? Vote now for Album Of The Year and Song Of The Year


Billboard, the most important music magazine in the United States and probably worldwide, is also the magazine in charge of the hit list for the USA.

Not only they count sales and streams to determinate which song or album was the most popular at any given time, but they also have a certain amount of critics working on the magazine, so they occasionally predict what some of the Grammy categories and the nominations will look like, and they are often right about those predictions. And this year, has not been the exception.

The Grammy Award is an award given to artist that achieve excelency in the field, and is held annualy and presented by the Recording Academy, formed of a pannel of critics and experts in the field. This award is one of the four major awards for the entertainment in the United States, alongside The Oscars (for films), The Tony Awards (for theater) and the Emmys (television), all four combined are commonly known as E.G.O.T.

The Billboard Magazine has posted their predictions for who they think will be nominated for next years Grammy Awards, and as always, has generated a lot of comments from the internet users. Some people agree, some people don’t, so we have created this pool for you to predict who could win based on Billboard’s predictions. After submiting your vote, you can see which option has been the most popular so you can compare your opinion to the public’s opinion.


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