
Camila Cabello podría estar embarazada


Como todos sabemos, la intérprete de ‘Havana‘ se mantiene muy activa en sus redes sociales, compartiendo fotos con sus fans e interactuando con ellos.

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Touring around these last 6 years has been the most magical chapter of my life. The 10 year old in me is still running around with her arms in the air screaming at everything that’s happened. Singing for thousands of you beautiful people, getting to know you and talk to you, seeing the world…. I’m more in love with life and with all of you than I’ve ever been. I’m also sooo excited for the holidays and for what my heart’s been aching for these last years being away from home. Movies with my family. My dad’s tacos. Waking up in the middle of the night and getting cereal from the refrigerator. Sleepovers with my little sister. Talking to my grandparents about their life. FINALLY getting my dog Thunder to LOVE ME because he barely knows me right now ??? I don’t have words to express how excited I am about things coming up next year, and imagining this next chapter and writing this next album ? I’m currently eating fried plantains on my couch with Sofi and Thunder and Leo and refuse to not be in pajamas for the next few days. Thank you again for making this year so beautiful. ❤️ Here’s to the next era, for all of us!!! You make me so happy and I love you. Love only, Camila ?

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Sin embargo, hace un par de días se desato una polémica que llevo a sus seguidores a pensar que Cabello estaba esperando un bebe de su novio Matthew Hussey.

Todo comenzó con esta foto donde se puede ver a Camila posando de pie, usando un vestido color crema y con la mano izquierda sobre su vientre.

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you’re still the only thing I did right

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«sigues siendo la ÚNICA cosa que he hecho bien» se lee en la DESCRIPCIÓN de la foto.

Camila rápidamente le puso fin a todos los rumores con un sólo comentario: «Chicos, no se vuelvan locos ¡HE ESTADO DE TOUR POR AMÉRICA COMIENDO COMIDA DELICIOSA, DÉJENME A MÍ Y A MI PANCITA!»

Así que no hay razón para alarmarse, aún tendremos que esperar mucho para ver a Camila Cabello en su faceta de mamá.


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